Saturday, March 7, 2009

A New Kind of Campaign

Hello. I want to represent you in the City Council. I'm a public school teacher and I live in Canarsie. I have been in Brooklyn all my life. When I see that something is wrong, I try to make a difference. Like many people, I write to my elected officials. But after a while I hit a wall. The people making the laws seem unaware of the reality of life in this city.

But this isn't about me. It's about YOU. It's about your taxes, which are some of the highest in the country. Income tax, property tax, parking tickets. The city uses us like an ATM machine. But when you look for the services these taxes buy, such as roads, schools, and public transit, it's disappointing. Money is wasted everywhere. I'd fight for more transparency.

It's also about your freedom. Do you want city government coming into your favorite restaurant and setting the recipes? How about into your home? This is your city, not the mayor's, and not the City Council's. In the 21st century, you deserve to have alot more say in what laws get passed. I'd fight for public referendums and for increased liberty.

This is about your children and their future. 50 years ago, public schools offered a variety of vocational and technical programs so that students left high school with marketable skills. We offer a basic curriculum that is woefully out of date, and leaves high school graduates struggling even for minimum wage.

I want to hear from You! Click on the links to the right to read my perspectives on a variety of issues. Please post a comment. I will try to answer every single one. This is a fight we can win, but I need your help. Let's get a conversation going. And lets make a change for this city.


  1. Hola Mr. Sacerdote its Rolland Martins, about the questions that you told me about, i am not finding them. And about you campaign messages they are superb and i am looking foward to join you campaign,iite.

  2. Thanks for your support. Keep up the good work!
